Monday, August 22, 2011

Spring Break in Indiana

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Madison's Growing Up

So Blessed!

If you haven't asked me or I haven't told you, we think we are so BLESSED by one sweet, content, happy, baby! Madison Elizabeth is spoiling us with her great sleeping habits. She is just over 12 weeks old and will be 3 months on Friday. She has been sleeping through the night since week 7. Wow, you don't realize how much you appreciate and need sleep until you have a baby.

She is a joy and delight to our lives! She is growing and changing each day, and I am so thankful that I can stay home with her during this time of her life. Wow! I am also rejoicing today that Brandon has a great job that allows me to stay home. Does our budget look different now? Sure! Will we have to do some sacrificing to make it work? Sure, but we do so willingly because we LOVE this little one.

Here is her daily schedule:

7:30-7:45 Wake-Up Time & Eat
7:45-8:45 Waketime Activity (Usually a low key, low stimulation activity)
8:45-11:00 First Nap
11:00-11:15 Eat
11:15-12:30 Waketime Activity (Usually running errands with mom, if needed)
12:30-2:00 Second Nap
2:00-2:15 Eat
2:15-3:30 Waketime Activity (Usually with toys, books, play gym, etc)
3:30-5:15 Third Nap
5:15-5:30 Eat
5:30-6:45 Waketime Activity (Usually sits with family at table for dinner, and plays on her mat)
6:45-8:15 Fourth Nap
8:15-8:30 Eat
8:30-9:15 Waketime Activity (Usually a low stimulation activity, bath and a book)
9:15ish Off to bed :)

We love the schedule as it helps us plan our day, activities, etc. She also seems to love the predictability of her day!

Enjoy some more photos of her!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wedding in Illinois

Brandon, Tessa, Madison and I headed up to Naperville, IL for a wedding. Then, we are spending the week here in Goshen, IN with our families. Here is our newest family picture from the wedding, and some other fun pictures too!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Family Picture

Here is the picture I put up on Facebook, but with Tessa! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Beach Trip

Tessa has been working hard on her behavior at school. We correlate this behavior with an incentive chart at home. She chooses the incentive, and then she has to work HARD to achieve her goal. This time, it was a trip to the beach. Was this a good idea with a newborn? Well, it was a learning experience and a challenge...But overall, it was fun! Here are some fun pictures capturing our time in Myrtle Beach!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Welcome to the World, Madison Elizabeth!

We are proud to announce that Madison Elizabeth Stutzman was born on May 26th, 2011. She was 6 lbs. and 9 oz. She measured at 19 inches long. She is a beautiful and content baby. We are loving every moment with her!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rainy Days + Tessa = Fun

Tessa LOVES the rain! Here are some fun pictures of her outside in the rain. She also was very serious about saying the worms from their almost certain death on our driveway! :)

Tessa & the Compost Bin

Tessa and Brandon had lots of fun putting together and playing with the compost bin! :) Check out the pictures below!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


We are having so much fun putting together the nursery! Here are two pictures to show you what is going on in this room! Also, I added a picture of my every growing belly! I am nearing the end of my 22nd week!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day 1-3

Wow! While I did enjoy the first snow day, I was going stir-crazy on Snow Day #2. Now that tomorrow will mark #4, I am not sure I will survive this boredom! :)

Tessa and I have been having fun. We have done her "homework", which consists of studying the letter Z, which she was going to focus on this week at school. We had done crafts, practiced writing it, saying it, and saying words that begin with a Z. She AMAZES me at the things she picks up. She is beginning to notice letters everywhere, and now that she is grasping sounds, she is pointing them out in conversations. I am so proud of her!

We have also played in the snow, rolled in the snow, ate the snow (not the yellow snow), made snow angels, made a HUGE snowman (Thanks to Daddy). I'll try to get some pictures up! We have also had lots of hot chocolate, watched Little Rascals, and played with many of her new Christmas toys and games!

She has made so many gains over the past 4 months with us, and we can only continue to THANK GOD for His mighty hand on her life!

Her new thing is forgiveness. So, this morning, she told me she forgave me when I bobbled her cup a bit before putting it down on the table. She also asks for forgiveness, and she seems to understand each day, more and more, God's love for her. She likes to tell God that she loves Him the most.