Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Toddler School with Madison

Doing "SCHOOL" with Madison is SO fun! She loves to learn, and she LOVES doing projects. Now, I need to do a better job at taking pictures to capture all these moments, especially before the baby comes!

Below are pictures from our 1st two days of school! We are doing A this week, along with the number 1, circles and the color red! Each day of the week, we will also talk about something applicable from the Bible. So, we are doing A is for Adam and how we are to obey God.  Then, we have an A item to discuss as well. We then add this item to our A chart, do a daily craft, watch a short song or video clip to reinforce, and take a trip somewhere appropriate, if time allows! :) I am going to post activities below, in case anyone wants to do this and needs some ideas!


These are my "lesson plans" for the first week!

 This is our A chart that we add to each day!

These are our creations with apple stamping!

This is our huge A that we added circle stickers to in order to make apples and talk about circles!

This we did after talking about the number 1---one apple with one seed
Madison busy sorting the apples into the right cups by color!
This is our A canvas board where we will add ants later today, and each daily item using paint.

This is our A and 1 page that Madison made by stamping her apples over the painter's tape!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It's been a LONG TIME!

Wow! I haven't posted in over a year. I am REALLY bad at blogging. I think I enjoy reading other blogs more! However, we have a lot going on in our lives again, so I thought I'd share!

We are EXPECTING baby girl #2 on Sept 22nd. We are open for name suggestions! :) Here is a cute picture of Madison announcing her arrival~

We will have pictures taken later this summer with Madison and my ever-growing belly! Here is a picture from Sunday of my 21 week belly! I feel quite larger than last time at 21 weeks! Maybe it's not that different, but I feel BIG already! This is probably not good pictures to compare since I don't have on a fitted shirt!        

     2nd Pregnancy  

                 1st Pregnancy

Mother's Day was super fun this year, since we had Bradley, Tiffany, and Maximus in town to share it with us. Here is a fun picture of us with the kiddos after church on Sunday. They are in their Chinese outfits that Brandon brought them from China. 

To take some time away, Bradley and Tiffany left Maximus in my care for 3 days while they went to the beach. It was so fun having Madison and Maximus together, but wow! Watching 3 kids under 2 in a LOT of work. I don't know how mothers of triplets do it. I am tired! Being pregnant probably doesn't help that either, I suppose. 

My summer goal is to post more! I want this to be a place where I can go back and remember our events throughout the year. This summer, I plan to work through a 2 year old curriculum with Madison. I am using this site, http://www.letteroftheweek.com/, to get ideas. I think she is going to like it. We are also going to potty train this summer. I am NOT looking forward to this, but I am ready and I think Madison is, too! 

 I am reading through the Bible this year with our church's program called Eat This Book! It is a great plan, and there are great resources to help! Check it out here! http://www.southsidefellowship.org/default.aspx?page=3762

God has been changing my heart through this daily reading and exposure to His word. I have always loved reading the Bible, but I have really enjoyed this program. I am so thankful for how the OT shows us God's redemptive character and how all the stories point to JESUS, our Savior!

I am also doing a book club with my mom's group this summer! We are beginning with the book, Balcony People by Joyce Landorf Weatherley! It is a great, short read. Praying God will make my heart into person who cheers other's on in their walk with Christ! I know that I need affirmation, so I am praying God makes me a good  "Cheerleader" for others. This might be the FIRST AND LAST time I pray to be anything like a cheerleader! :) No offense to my friends! 

I am also doing a book club with some teacher friends of mine. We are reading a few books this summer, as has been a tradition the past 4 summers. I am SO looking forward to seeing them and chatting about books. 

Have a BLESSED Wednesday!