Wow! It has been a tough, uncomfortable, challenging, rewarding, humbling experience so far!
What do I miss today? Chocolate! Commercials are killing me, and I have never wanted to punch anyone so bad as when this one comes on! You know the one---"Me and you. A little rendezvous!" I'd like to have a rendezvous NOW! If you don't know it, watch this link
Real thoughts I have had today (Yes, I am repenting again as I type this)
1. I will tell Madison that I have to go to the bathroom, lock the door, and eat all the Ghirardelli dark chocolate chunks in my baking cupboard. Yes, the whole.stinkin.bag!
2. Maybe I can just steal a few of the blackberries, and blame so many of them being gone on Madison.
3. I will eat a healthy choice fudge bar while Madison is napping, and hide the trash. If caught, I will again blame it on Madison! Oops that won't work because she will know she didn't have one, so I will look for a way to reward her with one, and then eat another when she is napping.
4. No one would know if I ate some of this baby food. Madison is napping, and Annaliese can't talk yet.
Thankfully, I have not done any of those things! But there is still a lot of time left in the day, and both girls are napping!
One thing that has happened today is an AWFUL stomach ache. It may or may not have anything to do with me relying on my own strength in the things above, but it has definitely made me think about how WEAK I am. I can't even do this, eating 7 foods, on my own strength! I can't do ANYTHING by myself! God is at work in and through me at all times. Let that sink in for a minute. Yes, when I am changing another poopy diaper, God is at work. When I am explaining something to my almost 3 year old for the 100th time, God is at work. When I am just sitting down to drink my coffee that has been reheated 5 times since 8 am, God is at work. When I am looking around my house that is a DISASTER, God is at work.
Honesty is the best policy, so let's be honest! I am WEAK, can do nothing on my own, and God is at work in all of my mess! Do I deserve that? Nope, but I am learning to be more and more thankful for it!
Praise most certainly belongs to You, God! Love this song!