Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 6: Blessed Beyond Measure

   Annaliese is 6 months today!


One of the things I am learning through this fast so far is how GREATLY I am blessed! I have so much that I just use, eat, waste, etc. that I don't even think twice about!

 Here is what I thankful for today: COWS! I miss my glass of milk, or two, during the day. I miss cheese slices for a snack or on a sandwich! I miss ice cream and frozen yogurt. I remember telling Brandon when a friend had a baby with a milk allergy that if we ever had that I would not (more like will not) be able to give up milk. How selfish that was! Here I am, three years later, giving up dairy for 30 days. Wow! God sure took that selfish statement and reversed it. Isn't God doing that constantly in our lives? On my own, I'd never be able to do ANYTHING, but with God, all things are possible! Oh little me! You'd think I would learn but I continue to do things that scream, "Selfish woman!"

I am also so thankful for my sweet blessings, Madison and Annaliese! Wow! I get tears in my eyes daily at their precious lives and sweet noise they bring into my life. Lord, may I not waste my time with them, but use it to encourage their hearts and lead them to you!

I won't continue to bore you with the same listing of the same food line up, unless I find something fun to eat that is different, which is probably not going to happen! So, I leave you with the three verses I am memorizing right now!

Psalm 107:1 

Ephesians 5:20 

1 Thessalonians 5:18

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