Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day Two

Breakfast: I had a piece of toast this morning---got too busy getting the girls around to run to grocery! I. NEED. AVOCADO! I also grabbed some apple slices on the way out the door!

Lunch: GLORIOUS! I had chicken salad with avocado, apples, dried apples for a crunch, and egg on a bed of baby spinach! Wonderful!  I also had a few avocado slices on the side and apple chips. When I was at the grocery, I spotted sweet potato rolls--so I had one of those, too!

Snack: Avocado slices!

Dinner: Baked Sweet Potato :) Avocado spread on little crispy bread pieces! Thank goodness that sweet potato is sweet---I do prefer the loaded version!

Snack: Apple chips

OH SO TEMPTED TODAY---I am so used to eating whatever Madison doesn't eat at lunch, snacking out of the cupboard, sneaking girl scout cookies out of the freezer, etc. I have probably prayed 5 times now to take away that temptation! Whoa---harder than I thought. I eat, far to often, without even realizing that I am eating. I just do it because I am home and it is SO easy. No self-control! Then, I feel bad later about all I know that I did eat that day---not anymore! "The fruit of the Spirit is ...self-control..."

Found a great recipe for a smoothie I can make with  my foods---substitute grape juice for apple juice! I can't wait to try it tomorrow morning! Green Machine Smoothie!

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